
I'm Bukky Maybank, if you're feeling anxious or depressed, and would like to talk to a professional, I can help. 


"I have learnt so much and truly admire how effortlessly you were able to be everything I needed and more. I felt heard and seen. Thank you. I will miss our sessions and I will miss you dearly" - Former Client

Introducing Therapy in Kingston with Bukky Maybank

A powerful 

way forward.

When you searched for a therapist or group support today and found yourself here, it could be because you’re in clear crisis.  I can support you through this difficult time - whatever you're going through, be it:

Individual Therapy

Cross-Cultural Couples Counselling



ADHD and Autism Spectrum

Bereavement and Loss

Trauma and Stress

Parenting and Family Difficulties


"Words aren't enough to express the positive impact these sessions have had on my life" - Former Client

All about you.

I know that getting through transitional stages of life (like motherhood) or a crisis (like the loss of a loved one) is all about supporting YOU: your resting up, your self-discovery, your practising emotional self-regulation, and your self-care. 

During therapy, I invite you to practice self-compassion, loving-kindness, and respect, repeatedly, so you can heal at your own pace. I invite you to make yourself a priority so you can get through the hardest of times - with calm, clarity and confidence.

From surviving,

to thriving.

Maybe there is no specific traumatic event nor diagnosed mental illness, but you want to:

✓ feel strong, empowered, better, 

✓ be yourself and live freely and authentically, 

✓ have great relationships, 

✓ heal and change, and 

✓ find your purpose. 

If that sounds like you, therapy can help you too.  

Whatever path brought you here today, therapy could be your key to going from surviving to thriving.

Your wellbeing, matters.

I can help you focus, find balance, and embrace the changes of life. Having a qualified therapist to support you, is important. I have helped lots of people undertsand who they want to be in their next chapter of life, and I can help you too.

The Existential experience. Therapeutic in every sense.

The world is changing, and people need a safe place to talk about their lives without judgment. Therapy is that place. I offer a warm welcoming therapeutic experience and an intuitive practitioner who will walk alongside you to help you redefine your place in the world.


"Your encouraging and calming voice has slowly replaced the harsh critical voices that overshadowed me before" - Former Client

About Bukky Maybank.

I am a corporate lawyer-turned-psychotherapist. I have a natural thoroughness, the ability to communicate difficult concepts, and an analytical, curious mind. I am grateful for my formative experience in law. I feel privileged I can now make a positive impact by venturing outside of the legal system. 

I pride myself on applying my analytical brain to becoming a psychological expert. I can discuss relationships, human interactions, emotions, anxiety, depression, etc. in a relatable way that resonates with busy professionals. I avoid psychobabble, offer practical, usable tools and support you in tangible ways to develop insights, identify patterns and implement practical solutions.

I work in Kingston upon Thames. I like to work in-person, in my therapy room or in Walk and Talk therapy in Richmond Park. I also offer a limited amount of online therapy sessions. 

I support people with a wide array of problems, from everyday stress and anxiety to healing from divorce, death and childhood trauma.

Caring. Curious. Challenging.

Many of the people I work with are now feeling confident and connected with who they are. When they first came to see me:

I listened

I helped them understand what's important for them

I asked hard, existential questions that sparked new ways of seeing old situations - and even better, seeing ways out of them. 

I helped them let go of ideas that were holding them back

I shared helpful resources and tools, and 

I gave gentle accountability.

These same people now report feeling happier, more creative, less stressed, and more confident. Perhaps, you can too.

A proven therapeutic method.

My core values are:


Learn strategies to uncover your purpose, make an important life decision, and live more freely and authentically.


Get the expert help you need with anxiety, depression, grief or loss, negative thinking, stress, anger, and worry.


Discover the origin of your issues with your self-image, reconnect with your authentic self, and feel you are 'enough'.


"Thank you. You are doing God's work" - Former Client

Quick Facts About Bukky:

I am a registered professional. 

✓ Fully insured

✓ Registered and holds membership with the British Association for Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP) and abides by its code of ethics (accredited registration number 403730)

Receiving regular supervision

Has years of experience working in places like the Priory Hospital and NHS counselling services, and runs her own therapy practice for individuals and groups

Has lots of experience mentoring and volunteering with vulnerable communities

I am knowledgeable and highly trained.

✓ Highly trained in the latest mental health practices

✓ Has a Level 7 Advanced Diploma in Psychotherapy and Counselling from Regent’s University 

✓ Actively continues to expand her knowledge of the latest mental health techniques and currently completing a master's degree in Psychotherapy and Counselling at Regent's University London (accredited, postgraduate-level) 

✓ Specialises in common mental health problems (Depression, GAD, Social Anxiety, OCD, Panic, Phobias, PTSD, Health Anxiety) as well as uncommon areas such as Bereavement (particularly by Suicide) as well as less common areas like bereavement and intuition

✓ Adopts an integrated therapeutic approach that relies on neuroscience, attachment theory, and neuro-linguistic programming, whilst also drawing wisdom from spirituality, existential analysis and philosophy

I offer supportive spaces.

Believes in openness, honesty, trust and humour

Has a flexible and open-minded approach

Thinks it's important to embrace each others 'madness' and explore our differences

✓ Believes in the incredible powers of therapy to repair souls, expand minds, and lead to important insights

I know your unique struggle.

✓ Was a commercial lawyer for over a decade before becoming a therapist and understands the unique challenges to your mental health that come with a demanding career

✓ Worked within high-pressured, hyper-competitive environments, first for a Magic Circle law firm, and then for many years as a General Counsel in tech and brand giants

Has worked with people from diverse backgrounds and communities (including with BAME clients, the racialised and the marginalised)


"Your support and gentle guidance has had such a remarkable impact on me and will stay with me forever" - Former Client

Here's what you get working with me...

A safe and non-judgemental space.

I acknowledge that distress and suffering are an understandable response to a traumatising world and offers you a non-judgmental, safe space to talk, scream, shout, swear, break down, rebuild yourself or simply just be. I aim to walk alongside you as you explore all facets of your thoughts and behaviours, and begin to process and cope with the more challenging emotions. You'll find a safe, welcoming space where you can be yourself and work towards your goals, without judgment or preconceived notions. 

Embodied healing.

My approach is grounded in the belief that healing comes from within, and that each person has the capacity to grow, change, and thrive. Therapy with me is designed to be a rejuvenating experience that offers a powerfully generative experience on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level.

Therapy tailored, to your needs.

Whether you're new to therapy or you've been before, I aim to meet you where you are. I believe there is no single path in your therapy, and encourage your uniquely personal and non-linear growth to emerge.

An active participant in your therapy. 

I recognise life as cycles of repetition and practice. Importantly, what we practice, grows. I am not a passive therapist in your journey of self-discovery. I am here to provide gentle accountability throughout your therapy and to actively support you to live a more enriching life filled with daily practices of embodiment, noticing, compassion, art, rest, play, radical acceptance, letting go, laughter, honesty, and much more.

Evidence-based techniques. 

I understand the demands of modern life and offer innovative techniques from some of the most recent, data-led therapeutic models (such as attachment theory, cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), and mindfulness-based approaches) in order to help you navigate life's complexities and achieve lasting positive change.

A powerfully relational experience. 

I have developed a unique approach to therapy that is rooted in empathy, curiosity, and a deep understanding of the human experience. My approach is rooted in compassion first and foremost. This means I aim to work with you respectfully and collaboratively to promote positive change in your life, and help you gain insights, so you can develop coping skills that serve you for a lifetime.

A truly integrated approach.

I blend art and science in a unique and integrated approach to deliver you optimal results. I combine the latest evidence-based techniques, with wisdom from age-old Eastern philosophy, Jungian psychology and existential analysis. I also continue to seek learning outside of what is institutionalised and deemed legitimate by academia, to ensure I offer you a complete experience on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level.


"You have been the most patient, kind, gentle soul I've encountered in a long time" - Former Client

Key results Bukky's clients report:

Practical. Impactful. Transformational

I can support you with simple and effective therapeutic techniques — practical exercises selected to help you gain clarity, calm and confidence, and take your growth out of the theoretical world and into real life.

Discover new possibilities.

Get the expert help and gentle accountability you need to let go of behaviours that do not serve you, better understand your individual needs and cultivate new ways of being.

Discover an approach uniquely tailored to you. 

Using a powerful combination of bespoke techniques, I invite you to explore your unique life choices, become an agent of your own life and feel empowered by your individual personal growth.

Gain career insights. Inspire growth.

My uniquely intuitive and holistic package of support is designed to help you feel calmer, more confident, and 'good enough' in your role at work and at home. 

Thrive in your relationships.

I invite you to see how you fit with others in your world, own who you are in these dynamics and take agency of your life and your relationships. I can support you in gaining understanding and finding meaning in your experiences with others.

Explore your traumas and histories of oppression like never before.

I recognise the structures and conditions that induce distress and suffering in this world, and so am particularly interested in supporting you to take up space and find your voice, where you are a racialised and/or marginalised person. 

Tackle your imposter syndrome.

I have worked with women, in particular, as they transition into senior roles and have supported them to overcome the unconscious internal conflicts which impede their progress, come into their own peace and feel easier with their professional success and visibility. 

Get free from high-functioning anxiety.

I work with high-achieving people, helping them break free from high-functioning anxiety, overwhelm and self-doubt. 

Experience judgment-free therapy.

I invite you to bring your most authentic self to be seen and heard without judgement. 

Feel good enough.

I can support you with rest, mindfulness, feeling emotionally attuned, and developing a more loving self-dialogue.

Explore your vulnerability.

My aim is to support you in developing the lost art of imperfection and nurture your softness and vulnerability. 

Find your safe space.

I offer a safe space to look inward, to think more deeply, and to deal with all the complex emotions that come with existing.

Maximise your potential.

Counselling and therapy is not only for those with serious mental health problems. They are powerfully effective and impactful ways to maximise personal potential and to develop and maintain a healthy emotional life in an increasingly stressful world of personal and professional pressures. 

Unleash your creativity.

I am committed to supporting you to resolve any issues of stifled creativity, over-critical self-image, and spiralling work/life balance. 

Find direction, a plan, a way forward.

The thought-provoking exercises aim to leave you stepping readily into your own sense of direction, connection and belonging in the world.

Be 'happier'.

I help you find your own peace, be less worried, and better adjusted.

Get unstuck.

I create curious, explorative spaces, so you can get unstuck, dream big, delve deep and embrace who you truly are. 

Find balance.

I work with clients in high-pressurised careers to consider the powerful impact that their career choices and self-imposed expectations, have on every aspect of their lives, happiness and general well-being. 


"You don't have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body" - C.S. Lewis

With my warm, compassionate approach and experience as a person-centred psychotherapist, I am able to support you in the following areas:

Bringing expertise in

Relationship issues: 

Whether you're dealing with communication problems, infidelity, or simply feeling disconnected from your partner, I can help you work through these challenges and build a stronger, more fulfilling relationship.

Bringing expertise in

Anxiety and depression: 

If you're struggling with feelings of worry, fear, or sadness, I can help you develop coping strategies to manage these emotions and move towards a more balanced, peaceful state of mind.

Bringing expertise in

Trauma and PTSD: 

If you've experienced a traumatic event in your life, such as abuse or a natural disaster, I can help you process these experiences and develop tools to move forward in a healthy, healing way.

Bringing expertise in 

Career and life transitions: 

Whether you're starting a new job, moving to a new city, or facing other major changes in your life, I can help you navigate these transitions with grace and confidence.


"Healing begins when you embrace your wounds" - Rumi

Frequently Asked Questions

What is therapy?

Therapy helps you feel better about your memories and experiences.

Counselling and Psychotherapy provide a pathway toward understanding your experiences and finding strategies that work uniquely for you. Therapy doesn't erase memories or experiences, but it can help you feel better about them. It's a way to feel calmer and understand things better. It's a process that, for many, leads to a greater sense of peace, understanding, and resolution.  Sometimes, just talking about your thoughts can make you feel lighter. For deeper issues or long-lasting impacts, therapy can help you unravel patterns, understand their roots, and pave the way for new, healthier ways of living.

What happens in the first session?

We'll introduce ourselves to each other.

The first session is mostly about getting to know each other better. I ask you questions, discovers what you need, and tell you more about how I aim to help people. We'll figure out together how to make our sessions helpful for you.

It's also important for you to feel comfortable with me. Studies show that feeling a strong connection with your therapist leads to more positive outcomes for you. This first session lets you see if you feel a connection.

How does Bukky help you?

I use different ways to help you and make my techniques fit your needs.

I work integratively, which means I blend different techniques, including principally Existential Therapy, but also Person Centred Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Transactional Analysis, and other tailored methods to cater to your individual needs. It's about finding what resonates best with you and crafting a supportive approach that suits your journey towards healing.

I am a Member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and adhere to their Ethical Framework. I hold professional liability insurance for her work.

I have a wide range of experience with clients from a variety of backgrounds, having worked within the NHS as a Psychotherapist and in several private clinics, including The Priory Hospital Roehampton. I currently offer private therapy in person at centres in Kingston.

Please feel free to phone or email me with any questions you may have.  I can offer a 20 minute telephone call to see how you might work together.

Does therapy work?

Yes, counselling and psychotherapy are types of talk therapy that are evidence-based.

Counselling and Psychotherapy can be incredibly effective for many people. The goal is to create a safe, supportive space where you can explore your thoughts and emotions. All of the approaches I incorporate in my therapy practice are evidence-based and are endorsed by the NHS NICE guidelines for clinical excellence.

Do you offer group therapy?

Group support available soon. Join the waiting list.

Group support is coming soon. Join the waiting list.

I often hear from people who feel overwhelmed and want to connect with other mums like them. Many parents keep going without taking time to regularly reconnect with their communities and get the help they need.

That's why I'm excited to say that I'll be starting weekly women’s circles for mums in Kingston soon. Do you want to join the waiting list? You'll be the first to know when the groups start.

In these circles, you can:

If you're interested, join the waiting list and fill out a short form:

How long does therapy take?

Therapy doesn't have a set time. Most people have 8-12 sessions, but we'll figure out what's best for you. 

Therapy's like a good book—it's different for everyone! We usually meet for 50 minutes every week. Some people feel better after a few sessions, while others need therapy for a year or more. You can end therapy whenever you feel ready. It's up to you! 

Typically, I recommend an initial block of 6 weekly sessions. Then you can decide if you need more. However, you're always in charge of your therapy, and I aim to take your lead on what you want.

How much does it cost?

Fantastically powerful. Surprisingly Affordable.

It's only £70 per session, for Walk and Talk therapy in Richmond Park, or to work online.

It's £75 per session, if you choose to do in-person therapy from locations in KT2, Kingston upon Thames. 

It's £100  per session, for couples therapy.

How do I get started?

Simply get in touch.

To set up your first appointment, contact me. You can say hi on Whatsapp or email me at BukkyMaybank@gmail.com

Let me know your preferred time and day for an initial session, and I can give you a call to confirm. 

Your first appointment comes with no obligation to continue working with me. During this session, you can tell me what you're struggling with, and I can talk to you about how to help. After that, it's up to you if you want more sessions.

How can I contact you?

Still not sure? Just want to chat? 

Say hello on Whatsapp or email BukkyMaybank@gmail.com with a brief outline of why you are seeking therapy, and your availability for an initial session. You can also call +44 (0) 7803 368023 to arrange your free 📞 20-minute consultation with me.

Lots to Learn. Nothing to lose.




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"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall" - Nelson Mandela